Online Course Registration Q & A


Table of Contents

1. Pre-Registering for Courses


1.1 Q: I heard we’ll be able to pre-register for courses this year. What exactly is pre-registration?
1.1 A: 

i) Pre-registration will take place before a semester ends.

ii) Administrative staff from the various departments and institutes have informed us that when different departments and institutes open courses together, it is often difficult to decide on a course quota in advance. To help solve this problem, this year we will start using pre-registration to allow students to show their interest in taking specific courses. Once we have the results from pre-registration, the administrative staff will decide and announce which classes will become official.

iii) Some departments and institutes use pre-registration in order to determine course quotas in advance. These results are then entered into the administrative system. The new system for pre-registration will reduce the workload of administrative staff as they decide and announce what classes will be official.

2. Priority Access and Waiting Lists


2. Priority Access and Waiting Lists
2.1 Q: The new Course Registration System has added Priority Access and Waiting Lists. Why don’t you just let students list their courses in order of preference like they do when registering for courses in Holistic and Physical Education?

2.1 A: The Waiting List works in essentially the same way as that used for courses in Holistic and Physical Education; courses are still listed in order of preference. But since there are many course requirements for specific programs, and the majority of courses do not have a problem with quotas, it would be inconvenient for students if they had to list all of their courses in order of preference. This is why we have added Priority Access this year. Students only need to arrange their ideal course schedule once and don’t need to wait for the next round of course distribution. They can also use the Waiting List option for courses that weren’t distributed to them.

2.2 Q: Besides the existing restrictions on course registration, are there any particular restrictions for Priority Access and Waiting Lists?
2.2 A: 
i) Priority Access: Any courses a student registers for are considered first preferences. In order to successfully register, students must meet the enrollment criteria and there must not be a scheduling conflict. (A scheduling conflict is when two courses have the same start and ending times). The system does not allow a scheduling conflict between courses on the Registered Courses list and those on the Priority Access list. Likewise, the same course title cannot be simultaneously on the Registered Courses list and Priority Access list.
ii) Waiting Lists: Courses on the Waiting List should be listed in order of preference. Courses on the Waiting List cannot be the same as those on the Registered Courses list, nor can there be a scheduling conflict with courses on Waiting List and Registered Courses list.


3. Restrictions on Course Registration and Interdivisional Course Registration


3. Restrictions on Course Registration and Interdivisional Course Registration
3.1 Q: Have any changes been made to the original restrictions on course registration?
3.1 A: Taking the advice of departments and institutes, we have added new restrictions on registering for and dropping particular courses that are based on a student’s year of study.
3.2 Q: What about interdivisional course registration? Can Daytime Division students take courses offered by the School of Continuing Education (SOCE), and can SOCE students take courses offered by the Daytime Division?
3.2 A: Please take your course list and inquire at the Curriculum Division during interdivisional course registration period. For more information, please see Important Information for Course Registration.
3.3 Q: When a course reaches its quota, can I still register for that course?
3.3 A: Yes. Even though a course has reached its quota, you will be put on a waiting list. It’s possible that some students may choose to drop that course. If they do, the system will use this list to fill vacancies.


4. My Favorites


4. My Favorites
4.1 Q: I heard the new system has added ‘My Favorites’. What is the purpose of this option?
4.1 A: 
i) Students will have access to the online Course Registration System before registration officially begins. They can use ‘My Favorites’ to make a list of the courses they would like to take. Once registration begins, they can use this list to save time registering.
ii) Once courses have been distributed, the information contained in ‘My Favorites’ will be cleared. Students can use ‘My Favorites’ to make a list for next time.


5. Regulations for Course Distribution


5. Regulations for Course Distribution
5.1 Q: What are the regulations for course distribution?
5.1 A: Courses are distributed according to three main categories: 1-Academic Program courses (required and elective courses for departments/institutions/credit certificate programs); 2- Holistic Education courses; and 3- Other courses. All courses are distributed in that order. There are two other important factors in the distribution process: students from the home program are given priority. Students in a higher year of study from the home program are also given priority.
5.2 Q: Can you provide a more detailed breakdown of the three categories above?
5.2 A: Courses are allocated in the order shown above:
I. Academic Program courses - these courses are allocated in the following order: required (R); double major (U); minor (T); elective (S). Any courses that fall in the same category (e.g. required, elective etc.) will be distributed randomly.
Academic Program courses are those offered by a department, institute or degree certificate program. This includes courses that are organized by departments/institutes/progams as Holistic Education courses, such as Introduction to University Life (IT); Philosophy of Life LT); and Professional Ethics (ET). During course distribution, all courses from this category have quotas reserving places for students from that academic program (e.g. History courses will reserve spaces for students from the Department of History). These quotas must match the quotas that appear in the course information. 
II. Holistic Education Courses: these courses are distributed randomly, and include Chinese Literature (CT); Foreign Languages (FT); Arts and Humanities (PT); Natural Science and Technology (NT); Social Sciences (ST); Physical Education (AT); and Military Training (YT).
ATP3 Physical Education electives are distributed along with Holistic Education courses. Courses in this category do not have restrictions that reserve places for students from a specific academic program. However, the total number of students in a class must match that stated in the course information. 
III. Other Courses: This includes all courses not included in the above two categories, such as those hosted by colleges, individual schools, teacher education programs and general programs. These courses are all distributed randomly.
Courses in this category have no restrictive quotas for students based on academic program. However, the total number of students I a class must match that stated in the course information.
5.3 Q: What is the difference between priority for students from the home program vs. priority for students from the home program in a higher year of study?
5.3 A: If we take Business Management Class A as an example. If priority is given to students from the home program, distribution priority would be in the following order: Students from Business Management Class A; then other students in the Department of Business Administration, starting from fourth year down to second year students; and finally students from Business Management Classes B and C. Next would be students from the College of Management from fourth year down to first year students. Finally, it would be all Fu Jen students from fourth year down to first year. 
If it priority is given to students from the home program in a higher year of study, distribution priority would be in the following order: students from the Department of Business Administration, from fourth year down to first year. Then it would be students from the College of Management from fourth year down to first year. Finally, it would be all remaining Fu Jen students from fourth year down to first year.
5.4 Q: Will fourth year students lose their priority status under the new system?
5.4 A: As you can see from the examples in 5.3, whether it’s priority given to students from the home program, or priority given to students in a higher year of study within that home program, fourth year students still preserve their priority status.
5.5 Q: How will the system deal with the limit of 32 credits?
5.5 A: The system will provide a warning message if you are about to exceed the limit of 32 credits while listing your course preferences, but it won’t stop you from adding more courses. If the courses you have registered for reach the limit of 32 credits, the remaining courses will not be distributed to you. If the courses you have registered in do not reach the credit limit, but adding another course will surpass the limit, then you will not be registered in that class, nor will the remaining courses on your list be distributed to you. If the courses you have registered in do not reach the credit limit, and will not reach the limit after distribution, then that course will be distributed to you.
5.6 Q: In the initial phase of course registration and during the add/drop period, how is it that there is already a list of courses that I am registered in? Is it possible to register for some courses without them being distributed to me?
5.6 A: At present there is no way to directly register. Courses that appear on the Registered Courses list include Holistic Education courses, second year English (FTE2), non-English foreign languages (FTEN) and physical education preferences that you have been distributed to you, in addition to all other courses distributed to you. 


6. Courses in Holistic Education, Physical Education (ATP1, ATP2) and Foreign Languages


6.1 Q: Courses in Holistic Education and Physical Education also use a distribution system. Is it possible that some students won’t get any of these courses distributed to them?
6.1 A: The new system does not perform only one round of distribution. During the initial phase of course registration and the add/drop period, the system will perform multiple rounds of distribution. In addition, during registration, the system distributes courses based on Priority Access and Waiting Lists. If a course on your Priority Access list isn’t distributed to you, the system then begins distributing courses based on your Waiting List and the Waiting Lists other students. Since students can have up to 20 courses on their Waiting List, the system ends up going through 21 rounds of course distribution.
6.2 Q: When can students in their second year or higher retake or make up credits for first year Physical Education courses?
6.2 A: To make up these credits, you should register online for first year Physical Education courses during the add/drop period. Please consult Q 6.3 and Important Information for Course Registration and Physical Education Course Planning and Important Information for Course Selection.


 6.3 Q : What are the restrictions for the distribution of courses in Physical Education?

Previous Semester Initial Phase First to Fourth Year Only 1 course distributed to student
Add/Drop Period First Year Only 1 course distributed to student
Second to Fourth Year Those needing to retake or make up credit for first year (ATP1) or second year (ATP2) physical education courses, will have no more than 2 courses distributed to them
Following Semester Initial Phase First to Fourth Year course distributed to student
Add/Drop Period First to Fourth Year Those needing to retake or make up credit for first year (ATP1) or second year (ATP2) physical education courses, will have no more than 2 courses distributed to them

Please read Important Information for Course Registration and Physical Education Course Planning and Important Information for Course Selection.


6.4 Q: What are the restrictions on course distribution for the three main branches of General Education courses from the Holistic Education curriculum?
6.4 A: The three main branches are: Arts and Humanities (PT); Natural Science and Technology (NT); and Social Sciences (ST). Out of the three, only 2 courses can be distributed to you. Please refer to Important Information for Course Registration.
6.5 Q: What are the restrictions on the distribution of first and second year foreign language courses?
6.5 A: Only two foreign language courses from the Holistic Education curriculum can be distributed to a student. Please refer to Important Information for Course Registration.
6.6 Q: Is it possible this year to have a lot of General Education courses distributed to me and then drop them?
6.6 A: No. Distribution of General Education courses is the same as in the past.
6.7 Q: What is the difference between registering for Physical Education courses using the Holistic Education Course Selection System as opposed to the online Course Registration System?
6.7 A: Course registration is divided into different phases: pre-registration; selecting preferences using the Holistic Education Course Selection System; initial phase of registration; the add/drop period etc. Students can use the Holistic Education Course Selection System to add a Physical Education course to their preferences. After that system closes, if there are any vacancies, students can apply to have those courses distributed to them both during the initial phase of registration and the add/drop period. For regulations regarding registering for Physical Education courses during the different phases of the registration process, please refer to Important Information for Course Registration and Physical Education Course Planning and Important Information for Course Selection.


7. Minors and Double Majors


7 Q: Do students with double majors and minors enjoy the same priority status during course distribution as students from the home program? 
7 A: Yes, the exact same. 


8. Error Codes


8 Q: What do the error codes mean?
8 A: The error codes in the new system are the same as those in Important Information for Course Registration. Please see that document for more details.


9. Using LDAP and password for course selection


9.1 Q: What do I do if I forget my LDAP password?
9.1 A: Please go to